dawsonville electrician

Lake Lanier Georgia Shoreline Management Requirements Explained

Hi, this is George with Argo electrical and I am the surge protector guy. So, this is podcast number 22. This is a deeper dive or further explanation of the Shoreline Management requirements by the Corps of Engineers at like Sidney Lanier. Like Lanier’s starts around Dawsonville flows all the way down to coming, Buford […]

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Exhibit C Document Lake Lanier Corp of Engineers

Hi, this is George with Argo electrical and I am the surge protector guy. So Today we’d like to talk to you about the requirements for installation and use of electrical service on government property it like said Sidney Lanier so if you own a lake property in the Gainesville, Buford, Dawsonville area, Cumming Georgia, […]

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Hey Gainesville Ga, Generators VS Solar Power (What’s the Difference?) Part 4

Hi, this is George with Argo electrical. And I am the surge protector guy. So we’re right smack dab in the middle of our generators versus solar power cost analysis series, and our podcast. This is our podcast number 20. We started this in September August of 2023. And today is the third day of […]

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Standalone Generators for Gainesville Ga. Home Owners

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Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters Part 2

Hi, this is George with Argo electrical services and I am the surge protector guy. And this is part two on ground fault circuit interrupters. All right. And I want to specify this is coming from the National Electrical Code. Four Oh 6.4 D. Replacement of receptacles shall comply with four Oh 6.4 D one […]

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Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters Part 1

Hey everybody, my name is George. I’m with Argo electrical services and I am the surge protector guy. So we are all the way up to podcast number 14. This podcast is about ground fault circuit interrupters. So if we dig into our National Electrical Code Book, section, two 10.8 Chapter Two tn dot a […]

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12 Keys to Understanding Grounding and Bonding Gainesville

Hey everybody, this is George with Argo electrical services. And I am the surge protector guy. So this is actually podcast number 11. And this is our third podcast on ground and grounding. This is part three, this is the final one we’re gonna do on this right now, by no means have I covered […]

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Grounding and Bonding Part 2

Hi, this is George with Agvo electrical services and I am the surge protector guy. So this is podcast about ground and grounding part two. So we’ll dive right back in to where we left off national electrical code article 250 dot six A affirms that grounding and bonding conductors circuit conductors, sir protection devices […]

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Gainesville, What is Grounding and Bonding Part 1

Hi, this is George with Argo, electrical services, and I am the surge protector guy. So, this is another podcast that we’re doing. And today we’d like to talk about ground and grounding. And also, you know, bonding. So, as electrician, it’s been in the industry for over 35 years, this still can be very […]

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Voltage Drops Happen In Gainesville Georgia Homes

Hi, this is George with Argo electrical services and this is our podcast on voltage drop explained. So, voltage drop happens when the voltage at the end of a run of cable is lower than at the beginning, any length or size of wires will have some resistance and running a current through this resistance […]

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